class RubyProf::CallStackPrinter
Prints a HTML visualization of the call tree.
To use the printer:
result = RubyProf.profile do [code to profile] end printer = printer.print(STDOUT)
Public Instance Methods
print(output = STDOUT, options = {})
click to toggle source
Specify print options.
options - Hash table
:min_percent - Number 0 to 100 that specifes the minimum %self (the methods self time divided by the overall total time) that a method must take for it to be printed out in the report. Default value is 0. :threshold - a float from 0 to 100 that sets the threshold of results displayed. Default value is 1.0 :title - a String to overide the default "ruby-prof call tree" title of the report. :expansion - a float from 0 to 100 that sets the threshold of results that are expanded, if the percent_total exceeds it. Default value is 10.0 :application - a String to overide the name of the application, as it appears on the report.
# File lib/ruby-prof/printers/call_stack_printer.rb 47 def print(output = STDOUT, options = {}) 48 setup_options(options) 49 output << @erb.result(binding) 50 end