class RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter

Generates graph profile reports as html. To use the graph html printer:

result = RubyProf.profile do
  [code to profile]

printer =
printer.print(STDOUT, :min_percent=>0)

The Graph printer takes the following options in its print methods:

Public Instance Methods

method_href(thread, method) click to toggle source
   # File lib/ruby-prof/printers/graph_html_printer.rb
46 def method_href(thread, method)
47   h(method.full_name.gsub(/[><#\.\?=:]/,"_") + "_" + thread.fiber_id.to_s)
48 end
print(output = STDOUT, options = {}) click to toggle source
setup_options(options) click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
   # File lib/ruby-prof/printers/graph_html_printer.rb
21 def setup_options(options)
22   super(options)
23   @erb =
24 end
template() click to toggle source
   # File lib/ruby-prof/printers/graph_html_printer.rb
59 def template
60   open_asset('graph_printer.html.erb')
61 end