class RubyProf::Measurement

The Measurement class is a helper class used by RubyProf::MethodInfo to store information about the method. You cannot create a CallTree object directly, they are generated while running a profile.

Public Instance Methods

children_time() click to toggle source
  # File lib/ruby-prof/measurement.rb
5 def children_time
6   self.total_time - self.self_time - self.wait_time
7 end
inspect() click to toggle source
Calls superclass method
   # File lib/ruby-prof/measurement.rb
13 def inspect
14   super + "(#{self.to_s})"
15 end
to_s() click to toggle source
   # File lib/ruby-prof/measurement.rb
 9 def to_s
10   "c: #{called}, tt: #{total_time}, st: #{self_time}"
11 end